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If you wish to get started immediately, install VARGRAM (pip install vargram) and download the test data from the VARGRAM repo. Then, run either of the following code snippets on a Jupyter notebook or as a Python script in the directory containing those test files (e.g. inside test_data/ if you downloaded the entire folder):

The following is the simplest way to generate a profile with default settings:

vg = vargram(data='analysis/omicron_analysis_cli.tsv') # Provide data
vg.profile() # Tell VARGRAM you want to create a mutation profile # Show the figure"default_profile.png", dpi=300) # Save the figure
This will produce the following bare figure: plot

How are the weights calculated?

When multiple batches are detected, the y-axis shows the weighted count of a mutation by default. Per batch, the weight of a mutation is defined as its count (no. of occurences) in the batch divided by all mutation counts in the same batch. Thus, a mutation E156G having a weight of 3 in a batch means that 3% of all mutation counts in that batch are E156G mutations.

This choice was made so that two batches with different number of samples can still be compared. The y-axis can be changed to show raw counts even if there are multiple batches.

Why are the genes not ordered?

By default, the genes are shown based roughly on the no. of mutations it has and these genes are then packed to maintain a rectangular aspect ratio. To get a profile with ordered genes, a genome annotation file must be provided. A horizontal layout of the barplots can also be specified.

To get a more interesting figure, run the following instead which modifies the labels and the colors, among other things, and adds key mutation heatmaps for reference:

vg = vargram(data='analysis/omicron_analysis_cli.tsv') # Provide data
vg.profile(threshold=5, # Set minimum count for a mutation to be included
          ytype='counts') # Set y-axis to show raw count
vg.aes(stack_title='Region', # Change batch legend title
   stack_label=['Foreign', 'Local'], # Change batch names
   stack_color=['#E33E84', '#009193']) # Change batch bar colors
vg.key('test_data/keys/BA1_key.csv', label='BA.1') # Show key mutations of BA.1
vg.key('test_data/keys/BA2_key.csv', label='BA.2') # Show key mutations of BA.2 # Show the figure"modified_profile.png", dpi=300) # Save the figure
Below is the result: plot

How does the threshold work?

The threshold is applied per batch. It sets the minimum count of a mutation in a batch for it to be included. If a mutation meets the threshold in at least one batch, it will be included in the figure as a mutation of that batch but it won't show up in the other batches even if the count is nonzero.

What are key mutations?

In VARGRAM, key mutations are mutations that will be marked in the mutation profile through a heatmap below the barplots. These key mutations may be co-occuring mutations of a variant or lineage, or just mutations of interest for whatever reason. These are helpful for comparing the batches against a reference set of mutations.

You can also order the genes by providing an annotation file. Additionally, you can force the mutation profile to have a horizontal layout:

vg = vargram(data='analysis/omicron_analysis_cli.tsv', # Provide data
            gene='sc2.gff') # Provide annotation file
vg.profile(threshold=5, # Set minimum count for a mutation to be included
          ytype='counts', # Set y-axis to show raw count
          order=True, # Order the genes based on the annotation file
          flat=True) # Force a horizontal layout
vg.aes(stack_title='Region', # Change batch legend title
   stack_label=['Foreign', 'Local'], # Change batch names
   stack_color=['#E33E84', '#009193']) # Change batch bar colors
vg.key('test_data/keys/BA1_key.csv', label='BA.1') # Show key mutations of BA.1
vg.key('test_data/keys/BA2_key.csv', label='BA.2') # Show key mutations of BA.2 # Show the figure"ordered_flat_profile.png", dpi=300) # Save the figure
Below is the result: plot

Basic usage

VARGRAM has a declarative syntax that makes it is easy to declare what you want to see in the figure. Every VARGRAM script starts by importing the class vargram from the package of the same name:

from vargram import vargram # Importing vargram class

What is a class?

A class is a template for creating an object. To use an analogy, a class is like a blueprint for a car (the object) that has attributes like color and functions (called methods) like driving or windshield wiping. An instance of a class is a built object like a Sedan or an SUV.

The vargram class contains all the methods needed to generate the VARGRAM figure and corresponding summary data. Typically, you would get an instance of the class by defining a variable like vg in the example below. Methods can be accessed by appending .method_name() to the variable, e.g. vg.profile().

A mutation profile can then be generated in just three lines of code:

vg = vargram(seq='path/to/covid_samples/', # Provide sample sequences
            ref='path/to/covid_reference.fa', # Provide reference sequence
            gene='path/to/covid_annotation.gff') # Provide genome annotation
vg.profile() # Tell VARGRAM you want to create a mutation profile # And show the resulting figure
Here, the path to the sample sequences can be a folder of FASTA files or a single FASTA file. If you already have a Nextclade analysis file, you can provide the path to that file instead:
vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv'), # Provide Nextclade analysis file (CSV or TSV)
vg.profile() # Tell VARGRAM you want to create a mutation profile # Show the resulting figure
You can get the dataframe containing the mutations and their counts with:
You can also save the figure by adding:'my_vargram_figure.jpg')
Or save the summary data:'my_vargram_data.csv')

Switching the order of show(), save(), and stat()

VARGRAM is built on Matplotlib and you may see some similarities in terms of syntax. But you may interchange show() and save() with no worries. In fact, you can save the figure without calling show() or save the summary data without calling stat(). They are all independent of each other but must be called after profile() (see section below about VARGRAM methods).

VARGRAM methods


Broadly, the vargram class has three main types of methods: (1) "plot", (2) "aesthetic" and (3) "terminal" methods. The plot methods determine what type of figure will be generated. At the moment, there's only one plot method, profile(), for generating mutation profiles.

Aesthetic methods like aes() can be used to modify figure characteristics such as labels and colors but other aesthetic methods like key() can also be used to add data aside from the sequence files.

Finally, terminal methods like show(), stat(), and save() produce an output like a generated image, a dataframe, or saved file.

Optional methods

All aesthetic methods are optional. However, a plot method and at least one terminal method are required to be called in order to produce an output. A vargram instance must always be defined in order to call these methods.


The methods should be called in order of their types and form a PAT or PT sandwich. Plot methods go first, followed by Aesthetic methods, and the Terminal methods are called last:

# An instance is defined prior
vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')

# *** one plot method ***
# *** aesthetic methods ***
# *** terminal methods ***'my_vargram_figure.pdf')
Within each method type, the order doesn't matter. Thus, vg.key() can go first before vg.aes() or can be called first before

The following examples will not produce an output:

vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')
vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')
vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')'my_vargram_figure.png')

The following examples will produce an output but the indicated methods will be ignored because they are not inside the PAT or PT sandwich:

vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')'my_vargram_data.csv') # Ignored
vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')
vg.key('my_key.csv') # Ignored

You can make more than one PAT sandwich:

vg = vargram(data='path/to/analysis.csv')

# PAT sandwich no. 1
vg.aes(stack_color=['red', 'blue'])
vg.key('my_key.csv') # Ignored, not inside a PAT sandwich

# PAT sandwich no. 2
vg.aes(stack_color=['orange', 'blue'])
vg1 = vargram(data='path/to/first_analysis.csv')
# PAT sandwich no. 1
vg1.aes(stack_title='Collecting Institution')

vg2 = vargram(data='path/to/second_analysis.csv')
vg2.profile(threshold=20) # Ignored, only one plot method per sandwich--the latest plot method called before the first terminal method
# PAT sandwich no. 2
Why is it like this?

Internally, the plot and aesthetic methods only capture their respective inputs and do nothing else. The terminal methods capture their respective inputs, trigger VARGRAM to process the data, and produce their respective outputs.

The first terminal method called in the sandwich notes the latest plot method before it and all other aesthetic methods (if there are any) inside the sandwich. Then, the data is processed accordingly. This is why all other methods outside the sandwich are ignored. Once the data is processed, all the respective outputs (e.g. generated figure, saved data, etc.) of the terminal methods in the sandwich are produced.